
“Words promising disciplinary action or possible court justice are not sufficient.” – LULAC President Domingo Garcia


It is the understanding that every individual in the United States of America receives due process. Unfortunately, Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, and others were killed this past week by police officers without it. A system that is broken and continues to be unethical makes it difficult to trust that it will protect us. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Daunte, Adam, and the other young men across the nation in South Carolina, Alabama, Hawaii, and Texas. “These are isolated incidents” has never been an acceptable excuse for what is happening. No justice will ever be enough to see your child graduate from high school or college, to see your child have grandchildren, or make new memories with your child, no matter their age. We demand to feel safe and protected by the ones who are supposed to do just that. We demand more from our institutions of this democracy. 


The constant stories like these about violence to primarily Black and Brown men and children is exhausting, draining, and defeating. These events and the constant media coverage makes it hard to focus on our daily activities. While we encourage healthy discourse surrounding this topic, we also want to make sure you all can disconnect and find peace through other activities without media coverage on these things. 


A few ways to take action:


Our love and support is with all our members and communities that are experiencing collective grief at this time.